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Use with VRChat

I will explain how to use it for full body tracking with VRChat.

Start SteamVR/Uni-studio and calibrate

Follow the instructions in Use in VR FBT mode to set up and calibrate Uni-studio. ​

Start VRChat and select an avatar.

1. Launch VRChat from SteamVR and log in.

2. Select the avatar to use.

As a general rule, avatars that support full body tracking should be selected.

Adjust User Real Height

​ Depending on the avatar you use, the appropriate User Real Height will change.

1. Open the settings from the menu screen and make sure that the User Real Height item is displayed.

2. Stand in front of the mirror installed in the world and adjust the User Real Height value so that the white ball is "ankle(The mirror is placed in the center of the default home world.)

If the white ball is not displayed, choose ​“Enable FBT”.

If the User Real Height is correct and the white ball is at the heel position.

(As of July 2022, it has been confirmed that the ankle position is good.)

When the User Real Height value is inappropriate and the white ball is around the shin.

​Complete the calibration

1. Face forward, do not roll in or out, and spread your legs moderately.

2. Make sure the white ball is over the avatar's heel.

3.Pull the triggers on the left and right controllers at the same time.

If you want to redo the calibration, Choose "Calibrate FBT".

​ and above, the calibration in VRChat is complete.

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